Thursday, April 14, 2005

Home Again in Rockford, Illinois

It seems like I've been on the road forever, and, I must admit, when the bus that took me from O'Hare to Rockford passed the Elgin plaza on the tollway and the expanse of green fields and surrounding farms came into view, I felt that I truly was home again and it certainly felt good!

But returning to a home, deserted for four months does not come without problems. I had to re-connect everything from the phone to cable tv to garbage service. I even had my partner Nick help me replace a pipe under the sink that sprung a big hole the day I left last December. Also an incredible number of light bulbs have burned out when I started using the lights again.

I immediately had to go to the DMV to get a new driver's license to replace the one stolen in Phenom Penh and got my insurance reinstated on my vehicles.

I've been around visiting old friends and colleagues, telling them of my adventures. It's spring in Illinois and the weather has been oh so pleasant in the high 60's. I took special pleasure in watching the Cubs on tv and just being HOME. No more planes to catch at zero-dark thirty in the morning. And, of course, everyone speaks English around here.

The antiques that I put in winter storage at the antique mall sold only reasonably well but I think I'll keep the place for a while. The pieces that I acquired in S.E. Asia all sold while I was on Maui so there was not much to add to my inventory. I've got one of my biggest shows to do in mid-May in neighboring Pecatonica so I've got lots to do to prepare for that one.

I'm considering taking on a summer job to keep me busy during the weekdays but still undecided about that one at present. Right now I'm enjoying just being home again.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Party on Maui

Glancing over my shoulder at the calendar, it's no secret that my travels are coming to an end and I'll sadly be heading home in a couple of days. As a result, the roomates here at the house and my old neighborhood friends threw a whopper of a party for me.

When I used to live here, we always had functions/parties here. I had the back yard looking better than the movie set for Blue Hawaii. The house and yard unfortunately have fallen into a bit of disrepair since my leaving. But Chris Corrozza, one of the roomates here did a top-notch job of recreating those old days by creating a party complete with tropical atmosphere--lights, tiki torches and an outdoor bar and grill.

Chris is captain of one of the commercial sailing boats that takes tourists out to Molokini every day. He also has just opened a surfboard shop nearby with "Woozer" Goring who lived at our house years and years ago and still lives right in the neighborhood.

Chris invited all his crew and a few other sailing/surfing people from Maalea... this gave the party a salty dog atmosphere. Also there were people whom I've known for 15-20 years that still live in the neighborhood. And they all showed!

Like with my friends in Thailand, it seemed that I was the only one of my old buddies who left paradise for a life on the mainland.

The party began at dusk. Tropical rum drinks made by Chris himself were the drink of the evening. On the barbeque, we cooked burgers and hot dogs. Everyone invited brought something, so fresh salads abounded as did other scrumptious dishes.

The neighborhood kids brought surf movies so they were occupied for part of the evening in front of our tube.

Another old friend, Rona Smith, showed up as well. I convinced Ronna to move here from Sacramento 20 years ago. She did. She loved it and she stayed. Great to see her and talk about old times. She even brought me a lei.

Everyone at the party was a real character of some sort. I love parties like that. There were transplants from various states on the mainland, island born people, neighborhood surfers and even one guy from Peru. I talked to everyone and, unlike the mainland, everyone listened to my stories of exotic travel.

And what fun it was. There was even a limbo contest! So decadent! The night just flew by.

As the party started winding down around midnight, some live music was requested so I got my guitar out and entertained the dozen or so hangers-on. I did songs that involved the audience to sing the chorus or other parts of the song so everyone was involved. Long-time neighbor Bruce Fernandez grabbed his guitar as well. It was a real success.

We finally wound things up with handshakes and hugs at around 1:30am. It was SO much fun.

Boy, am I gonna miss this carefree lifestyle...