Tuesday, April 06, 2010


This is our African gray parrot, Nipper. He's been living at the Maui house at least 20 years. He's a carnivore, in that his favorite food are chicken bones. Although a little rusty, at present, he, at one time, was able to say 52 confirmed phrases. We're getting him up to par as we speak. Here are a few from his vocabulary:
Welcome to Fantasy Island…Curses, foiled again…Where’s my dawg?”…Asta la vista, baby…Ritzin with the brothers…Ladiess ana Gentlemen, the luffly Lennon-a Seesters!...Argh, abaft me’hearties (from Treasure Island)..Silence fore’ n’ aft…now hear this, all hands on deck…Dr. Livingston, I presume…
Wo ist meine Heidi?...Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…Too legit, too legit to quit…Say baby, what’s happening?...Holy mackel der Andy…Rait cheer, rait nau…Raitbackatcha…
(wolf whistle), look at you, whoa, all right…Are you still here, get out…whistles the theme from Bridge Over the River Kwai…

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto…Sign zee papers…G’day…Come on (in a midwest irritated voice)…It’s taim t’ eat…Want some coffee?..."Viva Las Vegas" (he sings this one)…He also sings: "Night and you and blue Hawaii, oh, we’re goin’ to a Huki lau, huki, huki, huki, huki, huki hukilau"…
Give us a kiss…I vont to be alone!...Help, help Sharks...Column left, march!...Ai yai yai, bob-a-loo...The charge whistle...Sank Heavens for leetle gurls...Fluffy!...
en guard...Get a haircut...


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