Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Maui: Where's the Aloha Spirit?

Since I've returned from Asia I'm holed-up in my friend Jeff Reiss' house on Maui. I used to live here from 85-97.


1. The traffic has at least doubled in the 4 years of my absence from here. There are cars everywhere and gas approaches $3/gallon.

2. The price of real estate has gone through the roof. Nothing is under $300,000. I believe this has had serious effects on the local population who, unless they own property, resort to selling crack as a means of survival.

3. The price of everything is incredibly expensive--especially food. Except for the Somoans, everyone is thin. Going to the supermarket is a negative experience for most as the food prices are exorbitant. Going to the mall is another costly venture. Going anywhere is costly...

4. The big chains have moved in: Costco, Kmart, Wall Mart, Home depot are all here and their parking lots are packed every day.

All this attributes to the apparant extinction of the Aloha Spirit which seemed so prevalent prior to 1997.

Now it's money, money, money in every aspect of daily lives.

So many mainlanders have moved here in the past few years, jacking up prices, forcing local people and long-term residents to tighten their belt yet another notch.

But despite the rain over the past few days the weather is still the big draw here. The climate is near perfect. That hasn't changed.

But the local culture has suffered a great deal. And it's a shame...


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