Friday, February 04, 2005


A few weeks have passed since the last entry. I am now in Singapore visiting my friend Buz Walker Teach, originally from ST. Charles, IL but now living here. I've known Buz since 1966 when we were camp counselors together at Camp Edwards in East Troy, WI

After leaving Seattle, I returned to the Heartlands for a week then headed to Maui to see my buddy Jeff Reiss at our old home. Nice to get out of the cold weather, I must admit.

Maui has grown considerably since I left (1997) and the traffic has increased many-fold. Prices are sky-rocket high as well.

I spent the majority of my time there sorting through my things. We even had a garage sale there and I sold heaps of stuff.

It was good to be back to the island where I had lived and worked from '86 through 97'. Our house was a little dilapidated but it was sure good to get back there. We had a party after the garage sale. Members from my band showed up and we slayed the audience. Still a lot of life in our music, I must admit.

I left Maui on Feb 2nd and headed to Singapore via Taiwan where I did the overnighter in transit. Real long flight.

I just arrived in Singapore last evening. Buz took me to an art gallery opening and it was loaded with beauties which I proceded to chat up. I'm still a bit jet-lagged but looking forward to a few good days with my buddy before I head out.


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